Revolutionize customer service with OWI.Callbot

Many trust us

Callbot - Augmenté la Joignabilité Soyez toujours disponible, même en cas de débordement

No Integration : Always be available, even in the event of an overflow

Day or night, during peak hours or busy periods, OWI.Callbot handles calls.

It eliminates any wait time for your customers and automatically processes simple requests.

When their request is more complex, it assists them in using your self-care tools or schedules an appointment.

Simple implementation: between 1 and 2 months.

Minimal Integration : Immediate assignment to the right advisor

Based on the rules you have configured, OWI handles all calls or intervenes only during overflow.

In addition to the “No integration” case, OWI can transfer the call to the competent advisor.

The advisor receives all the information collected by OWI, ensuring a seamless customer journey!

OWI is already available in Genesys, Kiamo, and other platforms.

Implementation: between 2 and 3 months.

IA - Routage et Affectation immédiate au bon conseiller

Integration with your Information System : Customize and eliminate data re-entry

In addition to qualifying and processing requests, OWI will be able to:

  • Retrieve caller information and:
    • Personalize their support
    • Evaluate the best way to handle the request
  • Eliminate data re-entry tasks for your advisors
  • If applicable, transfer to an advisor and provide assistance.

Cross canal : Direct calls to the most appropriate channels (*)

Example for a quote request:

  • The customer calls their agency outside of business hours.
  • OWI qualifies their request and instantly sends them an email.
  • In the email, the customer clicks on “finalize my request.”
  • A Smartform opens and guides the customer to provide all the necessary information.
  • Any supporting documents are analyzed in real-time.
  • If necessary, an appointment is proposed.
  • OWI records all the information and assigns the completed request to the appropriate advisor

(*)  75% of customers consider the telephone to be the fastest channel to get a response from a company

Powered by the best technologies

A callbot requires two distinct expertise, each involving significant investments and highly skilled R&D teams: voice processing and natural language understanding.

We have chosen to focus on the advantages provided by OWI’s dual AI in natural language. Although we initially used French solutions, in the past 2 years, major US vendors (Google, Microsoft, Nuance, Amazon) have gained a significant advantage that continues to widen.

Extremely efficient, both for transcription (Speech To Text or STT) and for vocalization (Text To Speech or TTS), these solutions have a weak point: while they excel at recognizing common language words, they struggle to transcribe identifiers (contract numbers, parcel references, etc.).

Therefore, we have developed a specific technology that complements STT solutions and ensures human-level quality for the recognition of your customers’ identifiers.

Boost your customer service with OWI.Callbot!

Provide an exceptional customer experience and save time and money with our intelligent callbot, available 24/7. Give voice to your customer service and reinvent the management of your calls!